Wednesday, May 21, 2008

...who are you voting for....

Hello. So I have news that some of you have been made privy to and some have not. I am up for another vote-me-in kind of thing.

You might remember last summer there was such thing and I was up as a finalist for The Smart Show.

This year I am up for GSTV (gas station t.v.)--the annoying flatscreen right by the pump that gives you weather and all kinds of quick blurbs.

This one is MUCH easier to do...just go only everyday between now and June 30 and vote for me. There are 10 finalists out of 300 and I'm on the bottom left. There is no rating. There is no watching my numbers. There (hopefully) is no voting scandal.

Sooooo go to:

or click HERE

Vote everyday and we'll see what happens!



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