Sunday, April 13, 2008

LOL/other career news

So I'm also taking a class right now that's a 5-week class taught by a casting director who also books comedy shows and performs herself. It's been a great experience and I've met some cool people. I'm hopeful this will be a meaningful thing for my career. I've learned about my 'voice' and 'vibe' and how to use that to tweak and strengthen my stand-up abilities.

Our main project culminates April 23rd at 7:30 at the Hollywood Improv. I'm really excited about this b/c the show is almost already sold out and this casting director has lots of industry contacts so they will be there and this could be a nice push for me to get back on the mic from my performance in December. So be thinking about me next Wed while I'm on stage.

ALSO I finally have the footage I needed for my reel so a great friend of mine is putting that together and I'll have my reel (a visual resume) on my website and update that and of course put it on here too so check back.

I have recently moved into Advanced level at my school which has been great. I am working more on scenes, just finished about 4 weeks working on accents and a characterization from that which was grand. I am working with people I really enjoy and learning tons still.

I've had some great auditions recently and even talked with the theatrical agent of the agency where I am represented commercially (for commercials) b/c I had gotten a call-back (they liked me enough to pass me onto the next round) for a series of short films. Maybe that could lead to being picked up by them theatrically too (meaning t.v. and film).

I'm in the process of writing a short film and who knows where that will lead.

I'm also setting my sites on meeting a certain casting director named Allison Jones who is supposed to be a great person in general but also has cast many many comedies from Freaks and Geeks to The Office, some Will Ferrell projects and alot of Jud Apatow's stuff (Knocked Up and Super Bad).

That's pretty much the industry news I have for you guys at this time.

I'm keepin on keepin on. Thanks for your support. It's vital and necessary...isn't that the same thing? Oh well.

much love and keep checking back for new projects


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