triple sow cow

Are you ready for this? I don't think you can handle this. Yes that's right I was in a onesie and this matador-esque flamanco dancer top. It wasn't the most comfortable outfit I'd ever worn but it didn't matter because I was on the set of the new Will Ferrell/Jon Heder movie called Blades of Glory. They are a figure skating pair competing in the Olympics or something like that. I got to sneak a few looks as the guys were working a green screen scene (say that ten times fast). Then after getting there at 7:00 a.m. and napping and reading and working on my computer they let all 50 of us go at 2:30 p.m. because they weren't going to use us. That was kinda lame but I still get paid for an 8-hour day. So whatever.
I hope I get the chance to wear this outfit again....I really really hope!
this is disturbing. but i like it.
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