Monday, October 08, 2007

New stuff

I am sorry this has taken nearly a month to get back and update you all on what's been going on. I obviously didn't get the Smart Show deal but the girl who won is actually quite good and I think this will be a nice deal for her career. It has taken more than a few days to arrive at that place with sincerity but I am there.

I needed to again say thank you so much for all your support and love for my career and for the past Smart Show stuff. Thank you. Your comments alone were worth all the headache--it was encouraging like you can't know.

I just got back some headshots which I am excited about and will post a few of those.

I booked a non-union pilot gig with these talented writers who produce a few online shows. They are looking to put something together so they can pitch more effectively to networks and online media alike. They have people interested but they want to see what it's about. When we get a few edited and online, I'll let you know. These guys are really good with comedy writing and are influenced by shows like The Office and Curb Your Enthusiasm as well as Arrested Development--all three rely on improvisation and allow this to be pretty free flowing too. We have shot one and will get to another probably in the next week or so.

I don't have an iPhone.

I'm still in my classes and have added a Friday Shakespeare class which has been really awesome and feel like it will help deepen my acting.

That's pretty much all. These are some of the headshots I am using that are new.
