Sunday, October 01, 2006

...just an update fo ya

Well I must apologize for the obvious lack of postings as of late on my Blog. We can all thank Angie Miller's persistence in reminding me of this obvious laziness on my part.

So what have I been up to?

Well let's see I'll work backwards: I am currently in Atlanta doing conference entertainment with Brian Thurman. Centex construction is having their annual managers meeting and Brian and I are Sal Chipeta and Al Lee: The World's Best Anti-Motivational speakers, "period." So that's been fun writing the three scene script and working with power point. The idea is that we are here to demotivate people. It's pretty fun!

I got in Saturday at midnight and will be here till Tuesday afternoon then back to LA. Last week I flew to ATL for preliminary stuff on Monday and got in at midnight, met all day Tuesday then back on the plane and home for a late dinner Tues night in LA. Crazy!!

The past few days before that I have been in acting class or server training from either 9-12 or 12:30-3 with two per day. Then I would train at night from 6-10ish at the other locations of the Farm restaurant. I am excited about this job because I really do love the atmosphere of the restaurant industry and I love food. I'm learning alot and getting some great ideas for new food to cook--of course I love that I get good food at a pretty discounted rate.

I also have been working on those scripts and completing my mail out of my headshots/resume/cover letter to 170 agents and 40 managers. That took a while to staple all the resumes to my headshot, add the coverletter add labels, stamps and return labels then seal (using the brad on the back of those big manilla envelopes). Out of that I have three interviews with agents--two this week so please pray for discernment for both parties on that.

I also went to the girls' (Sophie and Maddie) first gymnastics class and that was so great. These girls are so freakin' awesome. Brian and Sarah have done a phenomenal job raising them and I'm still gleaning a great amount of wisdom and practical knowledge about raising girls.

So coming up this week is (as I said) my interviews with the agents, the grand opening of The Farm in the new mall--which is going to be a massive opening. Also I have to register for my classes with groundlings so I will be adding another 2x per week commitment. In two weekends I will again be in ATL as I come back for Lauren Johnson's wedding. LJ and I go back to college. She's like a sister to me and I'm really excited to be able to be at this big day!

So that's the update. I'm sorry no pics this time but I'll work to change that.

Much love to my friends around the world.

ps: recent inspiration has been watching the 'making of' features on Crash, Garden State and the movie Little Miss Sunshine and the show Studio 60


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little Miss Sunshine is a good movie!!
-E. Haag

7:42 AM  

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