
I have had a few phone calls as of late from my friends (most of which who read this) asking about me and what's life like, what do I do, how do I "break into" this business? Well I'm glad you asked.
One thing I have found is consistent with the "way to break in" is that there is no consistency. I have done some reading online about actors' biographies and spoken with others in the industry and it's pretty wild how different each actor's story really is. Some have worked on sets and networked through that. Some have been in restaurant as a server and they get "scooped." Some have been working their butts off for 20 years (Steve Carrell) and others just hit it early on.
So I know this journey is really on my own. That is about as exciting as it is nerve racking. So I set my own path and how is that going? Well I think (and have corroboration from others) that the best way to approach this acting thing is to see it as a job. I know that sounds easy or simple but it's not. It means that I try to read about acting, writing, production, etc., study performances, take classes, talk to others in the industry and never stop hustling. I am of the mindset that whatever happens has a great deal to do with me creating opportunities.
What does that look like so far? Well I have one book about the industry overall (info about agents, actors, producers, directors, sound mixers, PR/Marketing, trailer editors, BTS (behind the scenes), and so much more) and am reading another about acting techniques. I have a contact with a reportedly great acting teacher I'll go to in a while (make the dough b/f I spend it) and learn even more about this job. I just finished my paperwork and had my headshot for extra work. I will check in on a hotline 2x per day to see if there is a listing that sounds like I could fit it then call a hotline to book it. I could be one of those guys sitting in a library, coffee shop or whatever. This is a great opportunity for me to get on film (feature) sets and T.V. too. I can make a little bit of money but it's more about the experience. Also, hopefully, I will be able to gain 3 vouchers that I need that will allow me the chance to then buy my Screen Actor's Guild card/membership (SAG). It is a union thing that you have to have to do features. I've joined an online free posting site for actors called where I was sent to after going to USC college of film to look for student films. I've also sent out resumes to people off Craig's list and a few industry publications. Right now I'm hunting with a shotgun.
In the words of Jay-Z, I'm a hustla.
I don't doubt for a minute that you're going to be the hardest working man in H-town. Tom Hanks can eat it!
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