...UGG-ly boots...

The UGG boot movement is getting out of control, people. I saw a full family wearing them last week at the mall (kid in stroller included). I know this is old news for many of you who care or pay attention to footwear these days but for those who don't: PAY ATTENTION. I will be the first to say I love Australia. I love their ability to stay in the middle of politics and avoid everything from World War II to Mad Cow disease; I love pretty much all their wines, I love their calm and easy-going nature, their love of sport and can't resist the accent. All that to say I hate their trendiest export: UGG boots.
I mean I really think they are UGG-ly. For some reason they seemed frequently paired with tights and a parka-length jacket--sometimes with a fur lined hood. It's not that it's a bad look...no, wait. It is definitely a bad look.
Skinny women wear them and they look like a walking tree or one of those punching bags with sand in the bottom of them--a human obelisk of sorts. When large women wear them they only look larger. It's like Danny Devito wearing a double-breasted jacket.
SO as this Christmas time rolls around I plead with my friends to care about what inverted farm animal footwear you choose.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
ps: wear whatever the heck you want to wear
Bradley I totally agree!! My mom bought me a pair for Christmas a few years ago before we went to Winter Training...and I returned them. I hate the look with the jeans tucked into them...my mom wears that! UGG-LY!! I hope things are going well out there!
~Little Irish Lamb :)
well, i for one am not down with the trends until their almost out of style. However, my boss has a hookup with the Ugg people so if I get a free pair I WILL wear them (in dark chocolate) and you will still hang out with me unashamed. Or at least, I hope.
Uhhh...hello...I AM the fashion Queen in YOUR kingdom and in true "M" (as in Casino R.)fashion,(that being she's earned the right to do whatever the heck she wants) I WILL most def be donning my UGGS this winter! Besides for all you 'spoiled' CA residents, those boots are Freakin warm here in the hills of TN! Mama Has.
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