Thursday, March 30, 2006

10 Million + Me = Crazy

LA? A bit overwhelmed. I got into LA a week ago and finally for the first time felt nervous. As I approached the city at night the lights filled the windows of the airplane. My stomach dropped and I felt more insignificant than ever before. All the sudden it seemed real that in a few months this flight would be bringing me home. For just a minute I thought about how much easier it would be to stay in Charlotte. I thought about how easy it would be to keep doing ministry there, keep my friends and simply stay. But I was fairly instantly met with a feeling that to stay in Charlotte after all my dreaming would simply be to settle. Championed by “No Mediocrity,” and “No Regrets,” I pushed forward and exited the plane.
There were many things I take away from this trip. I know I will change when I move to L.A. There is something different about life out there and thus the people are different. There is not really any one thing to point to that is different but a bunch of subtle differences acting as many minor ingredients in the make up of the majority of those out West. I will be walking into a culture that is vastly different from anything I have known.
I come back from the week excited about living there. The style, the weather, the energy are all so dynamic and vibrant. I love that I will be minutes from the beach. I could chill at the beach and snow ski all in one day—that rocks! I have some really great contacts and it seems that God is up to some cool things in Hollywood.
Will it be difficult? Yes. This will be the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Will it be worth it? Absolutely. I simply can’t wait.


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