Saturday, February 03, 2007

hair today, gone tomorrow


After years of going to places like, Fantastic Sams, Great Clips, Super Cuts and even Mr. George's barbershop in Knoxville I mark today as a turning point in my follicle life.

Two weeks ago I had a conversation with a friend in NYC and his wife (they shall both remain nameless) about haircuts. Due to some relatively bad cuts to his mop his wife (in his best interest) forbade him from frequenting the doors of the aforementioned businesses and their kin. Also my friend had some insane experience with a 'barber' whose abilities made Ray Charles more qualified to wield a pair of shears than this lady.

I, too, have had less than pleasant experiences with Sandi, Porche', Kiwi, 'Leisha, Tasha and too many more to count who have been given a small sheet of paper that I am supposed to trust thus allowing them to cut hair. I don't know A thing about who gives accreditation or what it takes to gain said certificate. So armed with a feeling of shared frustration and experience, I made the move to a salon.

Now just hold on before you start saying, "He moved to LA and now he's all Hollywood." When I get my nails done...then I'll open that door--but that's not in my intended future.

So I talked with Sarah (mom in the house where I live) and she recommended her salon so I called. I spoke with Johnnie ( question) who scheduled me for today at 1:00p.m. "Sorry, friend, I can't hang out with you because I have a hair appointment at 1:00!" I got there about 10 minutes early because I didn't know protocol for this whole thing. (I'm fairly sure at this point most of my female readers are laughing out loud because this is quite old hat for most of you but I am VERY new to this). He had a guy in the chair just finishing up before me who said Johnnie had been cutting his hair for more than 8 years. I was beginning to settle down and think it's all good.

I'm up.

After a short introduction and hair assessment I was told to go to the bathroom and put on the smock and "we'll wash your hair." So I went to the bathroom and began wondering...

...Do I take my shirt off and wear this smock like getting a physical at the doctor's office? Surely not. But then why go to the bathroom and give me a smock? Why not just give it to me in the chair? So maybe I do take off my shirt. If I'm not supposed to then that'd be weird for everyone in the salon! I decide to take off my shirt. Crap! There are two different kinds of smocks. I'm assuming one for ladies and one for men?! I have no idea. I just decide to pick one and go with it. I emerge hesitant and fake a confident demeanor.

Well it got easier from there. I sat in the chair and got my hair washed and then cut. I wanted something versatile that I could leave flat or faux-hawk it up. The whole process took about an hour and I felt great! We talked about the texture of my hair and some of the products I do use and some I should use.

I was taken care of and felt like this guy really knew what he was doing. I mean I guess this is like taking your car (if you care about it) to Bob's auto down the street because they can give you a better deal but you don't really know if Bob is any good at what he does OR you can take it to the dealer who specializes in your car and washes and cleans your car. It's all about the details. You leave with not only a great looking and performing car but peace of mind and confidence. That is exactly how I felt. I was even given a "week warranty" where if I want it shorter within a week of getting it cut I can come back and he'll fix it.

This experience for me was worth budgeting for my monthly hair care.

i'm a believer


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bradley!! That is an awesome day has been better now that I have read that! I am glad you didnt know what to do with smock!! But, hey, that makes the story even funnier that you took your shirt off!! I like the new cut!
Amy Holloway

1:34 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Hilarious! I am prediciting professional highlights to come next...welcome to the addiction. :)

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just glad to know I can retire my 'shears'! Just so ya know, I would have done it for free...and no smock required. Shirt is required however. mom.

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You had me until I read "I was taken care of and felt like THIS GUY really knew what he was doing." Um. "This guy."

Maybe "guy" is the nickname you gave the really hot chick who played with your hair for an hour.

Please let it be so.

Miss you bro.


11:38 AM  

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